Labour Standards Policy
Paragon Health Limited (Paragon Health) is a class 1 medical device manufacturer with its head office located in Limavady, Northern Ireland.
Paragon Health acknowledges our obligation towards its employees, stakeholders and our local community, and have outlined below our policy in relation to labour standards.
This policy is relevant to Paragon Health, our contractors, sub-contractors, suppliers, freelancers, members of the public and other parties engaged with the Company's business.
Paragon Health have referred to the Human Rights Act 1998 and have developed the following minimum labour standards for our business:
1) Child Labour – Paragon Health will not engage in or support the use of child labour. If Paragon Health engage any young workers for e.g. work placement through an education authority, we will ensure that a suitable risk assessment is carried out to ensure that young persons are not working in hazardous conditions or work more than 8 hours per day. Children will not be employed for work and no children will be procured for illegal activities.
2) Compulsory or Forced Labour – Paragon Health will not engage in the use of forced labour. We will also not engage in the practice of bonded or involuntary prison labour. All of Paragon Health employees have the freedom to leave after providing reasonable notice in line with their individual contracts of employment.
3) Health and Safety – Paragon Health always will provide a safe and healthy workplace environment. Accident prevention is a key priority and steps will be taken to ensure there are no accidents and injuries to employee's health by minimising, in cooperation with our employees, so far as is reasonably practicable, the causes of accidents in the workplace. Safety training will be provided to all employees as well as job specific instructions. Employees shall have access to clean sanitary facilities and drinking water.
4) Freedom of Association – freedom of association is respected and Paragon Health will comply with Northern Ireland labour regulations.
5) Discrimination – Paragon Health promote a fair and inclusive work environment and will not participate in or support any discriminatory practices. Paragon Health make a commitment not to discriminate in any situation based on marital status, family status, religious belief, disability, age, racial, sexual orientation or other conditions. Paragon Health are an Equal Opportunities Employer and this is reflected in our company policies.
6) Disciplinary Practices – Paragon Health shall ensure that all disciplinary procedures are in line with the Company's Disciplinary Policies. Our company shall not engage in or tolerate the use of physical punishment, mental abuse or coercion, harassment, intimidation of personnel and will operate a zero tolerance policy towards this kind of behavior.
Updated June 2021
7) Working Hours – Paragon Health shall comply with all employment legislation on working hours and holiday entitlements. The Company’s normal working hours do not exceed 8 hours per day, 48 hours per week, and overtime does not exceed 12 hours per week. Overtime is worked only in a agreement with the employee.
8) Remuneration – Paragon Health shall treat all employees fairly with regard to wages and benefits, and will comply will all regulations in relation to remuneration. Our company are committed to paying the real living wage as set out by the Real Living Wage Foundation for our location.
Paragon Health provide all employees with a copy of this policy. We will ensure that all our contractors and suppliers are aware of and abide by this policy. We periodically review this policy in order to continually improve labour standards within our business.